Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Great Flood of October 2nd 2005

It was some site to see. The Soldier Creek ( and a few other creeks) came out of it's banks on the 2nd of October. This was a result of the heavy rains we had the night before. I had 3.75 in at my house in Topeka. Other places north of the city had over 10 inches. This all resulted in Soldier Creek coming out of it's banks for the first time in recent memory. Not even in the floods of 1993 did this happen.

I should have known that Sunday was going to be a long day. I lost electicity at my house at 9:30PM on Saturday night. I was worried of oversleeping for work Sunday morning and thus didn't get a good nights sleep. Well work started out slow ( it took me a couple of hours to really get woke up). Then about 10:30 someone said the trailer lot at Payless was flooding. We all couldn't believe it. By 11:30 they told us we had to leave and go home. Another 45 minutes we not have gotten out of the parking lot. Eventually the whole area was flooded. Luckily for Payless only one part of the building got flooded with about 5 inches of water. Unluckily for me it was were I worked at. That will be next. This did allow me to go to my church's block party at least and to take all of these great pictures you see. I really didn't think we would have work on Monday. I was wrong.

We did have work the next day and it was a long miserable day. Even though the mess wasn't totally cleaned up they had us work in the area that was flooded anyway. There was water buddles in many places which made footing treacherous. It was exteamly hot and humid with all of the moisture in the building also. We did make it through the day. I even woked an extra 4 hours for a very long 16 hour day. I am sure I will be talking about this for a long while.

What did I learn from this? The first thing is that I am greatful to the Lord for my job and not doing more damage to the warehouse. This would have hit me hard in the pocket book if I had to loose work time. Another think is to never take anything for granted (especially nature). You never know what is going to happen at any moment. So if you haven't turned your life over to the Lord you need to do so because you never know when He will call you home. The last thing to remember is that the Lord will always provide for your needs, you just need to give everything over to Him.

One last thing before I go. I just ask for prayer for my Aunt Sharon. She has lung cancer and isn't doing real good. She was transfered to a KC hospital today. Thanks alot. 'Till later.- THE GREAT ONE

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