Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Like the great picture of me? Well I thought I would bring you a poem I wrote the other day to keep me occupied at work so I wouldn't go to crazy. It was based on the varrious songs I heard on the radio and things people would say to me during the day. So here goes.


A bored youngman was standing in his aisle when he had a vision
of a grizzly old man motioning him his way.
This old man said to the young one "I have something important
to say.

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!
Show me your hero and I will prove he's a bum!

Next thing he knwe he was laying on the floor and standing
over him was a brown cow.
He heard the brown cow say "who is crying now".

Then seeing a bluejay
The brown cow said "baby I like your way".

Thus shock the bluejay promply hit a wall.
He was last heard saying "the deaf, dumb, blind kid can sure play a mean pinball".

"Who can it be now" said the blind kid to the nosepicker.
This as he triped and kicked her.

Then came Mr. clueless and gave the nosepicker a shove.
The last thing she heard was "Do you believe in love".

Mr. Cluless thought it was the best of times.
But as he was brought aboard a starship, he quickly realized it was the worst of times.

Don't you know athurity always wins
Said the grizzly old man with a grin.

The grizzly old man then motiond the young to go away.
He said I have nothing left but this to say:

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!
Show me your hero and I will prove he's a bum!

So if you are wondiering about the moral of this story?
There isn't one, so don't worry!

So what did you thing. Messed up isn't it. Well that is how my mind will work sometimes on a Monday afternoon after three long days of work. Well I have to be going so I can come with some more of this crazy stuff. 'Till next time.- THE GREAT ONE

1 comment:

Randi said...

What a weirdo! lol