Sunday, December 23, 2007


With advent season almost at close, I thought I would share some of my thoughts. I have been reading a series of advent devotionals this season. They centered around the different people who foretold or helped usher in Jesus' birth. Here is what I gleaned from some of these:

  • Adam and Eve: The first people created by God. After the Fall, they were promised that a Savior would come who would destroy the deceiver.
  • Abraham and Sarah: Once again God fulfils a promise and gives hope to us all.
  • Rahab: By butting her faith into action she allowed life to be interwoven with the will of God.
  • Jesse: It was said that Messiah would come from him.
  • David: The son of Jesse and a man after God's heart.
  • Isaiah: He prophesied the birth of Jesus.
  • John the Baptist: He ushered in Jesus' ministry.
  • Mary and Joseph: By being obedient they became our Lord's parents.
  • Caesar Augustus: The Roman Emperor at the time. It was his decree that brought Joseph to Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecies.
  • The inn keeper: He was able to make room for Mary and Joseph. We should follow his example and make room for Jesus in our own hearts.
  • The angels: They proclaimed the good news to the shepherds and then praised the Lord.
  • The Magi: Came a great distance to worship and bring gifts to Jesus. We too should use our talents and gifts to further spread the good news.

These are a few of the people who ushered in Jesus' to His worldly ministry. It shows us that God can use anyone to accomplish His will. Even evil kings like Herod the Great or Augustus Caesar were made useful. So as we celebrate this Christmas season we should remember God's Love for us, the Hope of His promises to us and the Joy that these bring.



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