Monday, December 31, 2007


The year is almost over. What a year it has been also. Some it bad, but most of it good. Most of you know what has happened in my life this year, but I will recap it some also.

There has been some big changes in my life. It started off by me changing shifts to work during the week instead of the weekend for the first time in almost nine years. From there is went south for awhile (or so I thought). With family squabbles, the news of the shutting down of the ware house eventually and some other unexpected happenings and expenses. But through this all, the Lord was with me. About mid year the best change of my life happened. I decided to ask Christina out on a date. Why it took me so long I don't know. Actually I do. It is called be scarred of opening up to someone, of having a relationship and the fear of taking risks in general. But finally I did officially ask her out in July. A couple of weeks later, I opened up and told her most of my deep hidden secrets. I knew not too long after this that I would marry this lady (apparently so did everyone else!) some day. I took the next step in October and asked her to marry me. Now I have a great new family. What a change this has been for me.

Through all of this I have grown so much. I believe I am closer to the Lord than I have ever been. I feel He is preparing me for the next step in my life. I never thought I would be were I am at today a year ago. And I am so excited about the future.

At this time last year these were my goals for 2007:

  • Get in better shape/watch what I eat

  • Walk 800 miles

  • Grow in my relationship with the Lord

  • Do better in my spiritual disciplines

  • Continue to get involved with my church

  • Save more money

  • Work on relationships

Some of these I accomplished, some I didn't. I didn't even come close to walking the 800 miles. I got sidetracked by various things. Besides that I did fairly well. So how did you do on accomplishing your 2007 goals.

Well the YEAR OF CHANGE PART ONE is over and onto PART TWO. A new job and my weding are in store for me next year. I am sure I will face challenges, but I know the Lord will be with be through it all. So be safe tonight. 'MAY GOD'S BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU 'TILL NEXT YEAR.


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