Sunday, May 04, 2008


I bet you had thought I had given up on this blog. Not really I just have gotten real busy and had put it on the back burner. But I am back and hopefully i won't have a 2 month (and yes it has been that long) layoff again. These are some of the pictures of our honeymoon we took in March. These were taken in Santa Barber. This was the first time I had seen an ocean so I was real excited about that. The top picture was taken when we ate at the In and Out Burger. I am told it is one of the best cheese burgers around. It was good but I have just as good in other places also. The last picture was of the sunset in Santa Barber.

With any luck I will have a lot more pictures up soon. So be looking for them. 'TILL THEN MAY GOD BLESS YOU HOW HE IS BLESSING ME EACH AND EVERY DAY.


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