Sunday, September 14, 2008


In Mark 8:34 it is written that Jesus said "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." So what does it mean to bear a cross? This term is somewhat overused now a days. People use it to mean to bear a burden, any burden. But what does this really mean.
Is it just any burden, you take up. Is the everyday things. Is saying hey look at me I am have this or that going wrong in my life. No it isn't. These are self centered things. What it really means is to pick up "the Cross", to give up your life so you can have eternal life. It means serving others in whatever way God has in mind for you. It means giving yourself completely over to God. You need to give Him all of the garbage you have been caring from your past. He will then put on your heart a burden to bear. It might be for the children or the teens or the homeless or something else. It might not even be some place that you want to serve, but God wants you to serve there. It means facing up to our responsibilities to others just as Jesus did. He our burdens and died for so we could have life, we should do the same for others. MAY GOD'S BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU 'TILL NEXT TIME.

PS. I have the greatest wife in the world and I love her very much.


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