Thursday, January 29, 2009


God is working in my life I feel. I had been pulling away from Him for several months. But with the new year came renewal. Maybe it was the beginning of the year, maybe it was because I was little sick at the time, but at the turn of the new year I knew what I needed. I needed to be closer to the Lord. I had drifted away from Him. Of course this made it tough on me trying to do things myself. I can give several excuses for why this happened. I was sick for awhile, I was busy, etc. They were all just that excuses. It didn't even bother me to miss Sunday worship. Maybe it was 103 deg. temp., but I really felt God telling me that sometimes we get spiritually sick, but if I give all over to Him again, I will be healed. I had already came to that conclusion, but this confirmed it. So once again I have put a priority of putting the Lord first in my life, giving Him the time He deserves, talking and getting to know Him better. Thank you Lord for your love, mercy, grace and everything else you do for us. MAY GOD'S BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU 'TILL NEXT TIME.


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