Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Lesson Learned

Well this has been an interesting week and a little uncomfortable for me. I was held accountable for something that was in e-mail that was composed of a list of questions that I had answered and the people I send it to were suppose to answer it and send it back. This done several months. Some of you might even have gotten this e-mial from me. Well a friend of mine that I had known for a couple of year, but hadn't talked to in a couple of months took offense to one of the questions and the fact that I answered it. I shouldn't have, but I did. I diffinently shouldn't have send it to this person. Well I e-mailed her last week just to catch up on things. I got a suprise Tueseday morning when I read her e-mail. She is calling me on this and holding me accountable for it, which she should. I wish I would have known her feelings on this sooner. So I have been doing some soul serching this week and spending much time with the Lord in prayer to resolve this. The good thing is that the Lord foregives much. Now only if my friend could forgive me this unintenional disrespect. Only time will tell.

What have I learned from this. For one to watch what I say and write to people. It can have a powerfull effect on people that we don't intend to have. You have to learn to discipline yourself. This goes along with a class I am going to at church called The Disciplines of A Godly Man. It talks about how you need to have discipline in your life to be the man that God is calling all of us men to be. If you don't have this discipline you grow lax and could let sin rule your life. It only takes a look at the life of David to see this. This is a good example of a lack of discipline and the price you can pay for it. In this case possibly a loss of a friend. Having discipline in your life only works if it is God centered. We must not forget that He is our Lord and savior and only through His mighty grace are we saved. It is nothing we can do, but a gift from Him. We are but filthy rags compared to His holiness.

Well I will just close this or I will continue to ramble on. I would just like to say that this is a great book for any man to read to help you in your Christian walk. Also that we all need to ask God for the foregiveness of our sins each and everyday. 'Till jnext time

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