Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We went down to Oklahoma this last weekend. It was my Uncle Frank and Aunt Margret's 45Th anniversary. We had told my Aunt ( she is my mom's little sis) that we would bring my mom down to the party. We also decided that while we were down there we would take in a few of the Oklahoma City attractions. We did this on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. We loft mom with my Aunt on Saturday afternoon so they could have some time together. Sunday night they had their anniversary party. I got to see some of my cousins I hadn't seen in years. That was nice. On the whole it was a fun, but very taxing vacation. We were glad to get home last night. I have posted a few pictures above and will have a more in the next couple of days. MAY GOD BLESS YOU 'TILL NEXT TIME.

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