Monday, March 14, 2011


This is what I know. I know I love my wife very much. I know she loves me very much. I know I have been very blessed by God. I know I don't deserve these blessings but am very grateful for them. I know I don't have a clue of what the future holds for me, but God does.

I struggle with this. The fear of the unknown. Am I at the right job? How am I going to pay for this or that? I know God will provide for us and put us in the right place, I sometimes wish He would show me the plan. This is a big struggle for me. I like having a plan. It seems lately when I think I know the direction He wants me to, a road bock is thrown in the way. This is where I get frustrated and usually take the easy path.

This exactly what God doesn't want us to do. He wants us to rely on Him during the tough times not only to provide for us but to guide us and to give is the strength to get us through these times. He never told is life would be easy, just that He would be their every step of the way.

So this is what I know. I know God loves me and has a plan for me. I know He has blessed me with a beautiful family and has trusted me to take care of them. I know I can only be the man, the mentor, the friend, the husband and the father you want me to be with out your help. I know I have tried to be these things through my own strength in the past. I know if I let you you will make me into the man You need me to be. So give me the courage and strength I need to trust you Lord.

Your humble servant

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