Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It was at about this time three years ago that I was saying my vows to the woman I love, my best friend, my soul mate. All day I have been thinking about that day three years ago, trying to remember every detail, every feeling. In effect trying to relive it. I remember the excitement of getting up that day. the melt down my niece Elizabeth had because of her hair, our leaning wedding cake, how my niece Marin stopped in the middle of the isle because she ran out of rose peddles, how she just had to hug Christina and a many other things. My most vivid memory is how I felt when I first felt when I saw Christina in her wedding dress. My heart jumped at that moment. I thought she looked like a queen, my snow queen. God was about to entrust her in my hands. I felt so blessed, so lucky. I still feel this way. I am a lucky man to have someone so beautiful love me so much.

On that day I not only gained a wife and partner, but also a family. Two beautiful daughters, Kassadee and LonnJe and a son, Garrett. They are great kids that I love very much. God has given me the responsibility of being a father figure in their lives. I know I will never be their fathers, but they are my kids and I try my best to do be their for them in the good and bad times. I still have allot of learning to do in this role, but all I know is that I love them very much.

God had a plan those four years ago when me and Christina first met at that Scrooge Play performance. We didn't have a clue about the journey He was about to send us on. It has been an adventure of the best kind. God knew what we needed, who we needed and brought us together. Thank you Lord for this. thank you for these last three years. They truly have been great.

Christina I love you so much. I am truly blessed that you are my wife. I love you more today than I did three years ago. It grows everyday. Garrett, Kassadee and LonnJe I love you very much also. Three years ago I didn't just marry your mom, but you also. I try my best to do good by you.

I can't wait for the years to come and growing old with my "Snow Queen".

Three years ago we were about to do our first dance. I was a lucky man and still am. I love you Christina.


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